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February 02, 2008



So glad you can have time to act like a little kid again. I believe you are the only one to be injured skiing, remember Alta/Snowbird at Thanksgiving?
Your injuries are getting higher!


So can you take your own x-rays, or do you have to have someone do it for you? It's kind of like when you wonder if your barber or hairdresser cuts their hair...just curious.

Oh, and I'm glad to hear that you're okay.:-)


wow, that's an epic day. glad the rib wasn't busted. I took a rib to the coping at a concrete park last spring, it takes forever for ribs to heal as it turns out. And yeah, to reiterate Sijbrich's question, did you snap that picture yourself? can you take pictures of my back bone?


Good thing you chose skiing AND medicine. They go together quite nicely. ;-) Just kidding. Glad you're feeling better and got to experience the first several hours of an epic day.

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