Following are some photos of animals that we saw on game drives in Madikwe Game Park that we visited last month. The yellow bird, that we see building his nest has a story behind it. The male bird (in the photo) builds their nest, which looks to be quite a big project. Then if the female (his mate) doesn't approve of it or like it, they leave that nest and he goes off to build another nest in hopes that she will like it. Sometimes he will build 8 or 10 nests before she gets one that she approves of. The poor male bird has to hope for the best with each nest he builds.
We saw kudu, impala, giraffe, rhino, elephants and lions, along with other smaller game and birds. We
were able to get very close to some of the animals, especially the lions, who seemed to be uninterested in us, although we did not get out of the Land Rover when we were near them. We hope to get over to Kruger National Park next month, which is the largest game park in Africa. Fortunately, whenever we travel on business, we are allowed, even encouraged, to add on 2 or 3 days to visit interesting things and places.