We're still a couple weeks away from a completed bathroom, but the most important things are finally done!
The cats have been supervising the progress quite closely. Lucy says, "The toilet is solidly in place. I approve." We've taken a few baths now (ahh! to be able to get clean in my own home, rather than using the showers at work), but I think I'm going to have to put a door on there for the shower. My big showerhead sprays kind of wide, and I don't think a curtain will work.
I haven't taken pictures of the chickens for awhile, and I know you are all missing them, so here are a couple from this morning:
Unlike Edwin, who has become increasingly cranky with the wind, the chickens are just as sweet-natured as ever. They've been hunkered down under the porch and in the coop, but come running every time I come outside, hoping for something good to eat. I've made sure they had some good treats this week, lots of apples and a bit of brown rice, which are some of their favorites. The General is looking particularly regal these days, don't you think? He struts around like the supreme leader, but he's really such a sweetheart. When he is the first one there when I come out with a treat, he makes a particular clucking sound, as if to say, "Ladies, there is something fine for you to feast on, come at once!" And he waits until the majority of the hens are there before he takes any for himself. What a smart man!
And because stress levels are still quite high around here, I started another mini quilt:
I'm almost done quilting. I love making these little guys. They're just as satisfying as completing a big quilt, but so much quicker.