I guess I'll ease back into this blogging thing. I didn't plan to disappear for so long, but it's been a stressful few weeks. I won't go into it all, it's just life, you know? Stuff that happens all the time to all of us. It wasn't all bad, however. This happened:
Our next-door neighbor has a very sweet long-haired chihuahua. And then they got a friendly little white poodle. And then they had some puppies! There were just two, but they needed to find homes and when the neighbor handed this little guy to me over the fence, well, what could I do?
He and Winston have become buddies, although Bear is not so much on board. But there will be more on that later.
Here are some things you should know about Pixel: He is super cute. He has two speeds: on and off. He likes to hide his chew treats for later. This morning I found one in the outside pocket of my purse and it made me laugh. He is a bit of a drama queen. He thinks everything is his. He wishes he was one of the big dogs. He is slowly coming around on this whole potty-training thing. He likes to go places and doesn't mind being carried everywhere when we are out and about. He's not so sure about "going for walks," that whole leash and harness thing are not his favorite. He likes tummy rubs and can be hypnotized by neck scratches. He likes to hang from Winston's whiskers.
I hope you don't get sick of hearing about him.