The laundry is still not put away. Most is draped all over the couch. One load is still in the dryer.
Martha has a whole bunch of freezer recipes. The spinach pie and Mediterranean tuna casserole are two that I might try, though they all look quite good.
More movies to add to the do not watch while hungry (in case you missed the comments on that post):
Moonstruck (I love that movie!)
Babette's Feast (How could I forget this one! It's so lovely)
What's Cooking (I just added it to my Netflix queue)
Like Water for Chocolate (of course!)
The Wedding Banquet (I don't remember the food, I'll have to re-watch that one)
I have knit a few little chicken hats:
Wouldn't it be fun to get a picture of an actual chicken wearing one? I don't think they would go for it, though, no matter how many grapes I gave them.
Very little reading has occurred this week. I finished Brideshead Revisited last week. I know it's a classic, and therefore a Very Important Book, but geez, all the characters were completely unlikeable and selfish. And Evelyn Waugh apparently hates Catholics. Still, I will see any movie starring Emma Thompson. I think I've missed it in the theater, so I'll be renting it.
I haven't watched Project Runway yet. Am I going to be mad?
And finally, this is pretty darn cool.