All done! It's soft and cuddly, and I'm excited to give it to the new baby next weekend. I'll try to take a picture of her in it, but I think it may be too gigantic for that yet. I knitted the 12 month size, but it's sort of coat-like, so she should be able to wear it for awhile once she's not swimming in it.
I really like Debbie Bliss designs, but I still think the patterns are not very well edited. I checked the pattern revisions page again, and it looks as if all the mistakes I found in this sweater are corrected there. The explanation at the top of the page says (and I quote), " These are the corrections for books that, due to printing errors, have unfortunately given incorrect instructions." Printing errors? I don't think it was a printing error when you didn't include any instructions for finishing the pockets, or that one row where you forgot to mention doing the last cable. Humph. Just admit you made some mistakes and check stuff more carefully next time please. Okay, I'm done berating the knitting editors.
You know what I love? When you do a spell check, and there are no errors found.
You know what else I love? When people leave comments, even if they just say hi.