I was very excited to finish the star on the baby sweater, and looked at the directions to see what the next step was. I was supposed to continue knitting in st st until the front measured 9.5 cm from the beginning of the armhole. So I carefully measured and surprisingly, it was already at 11 cm from the beginning of the armhole. I re-read the directions carefully, thinking that I must have really messed something up, but it said very clearly to start working the chart after 10 rows of stockinette, which put the star an inch too high. Hmmph. I think I should have started working the chart immediately after finishing the ribbing. I couldn’t see anyway around it, so instead of posting a brilliant picture of my finished front, you will just have to imagine a little pile of blue yarn, looking forlorn and sad. I couldn’t face it again this weekend, so I moved on to another project:
It’s the Farmer’s Market Bag from Weekend Knitting. Instead of an intarsia knit star in tiny cotton yarn, I’m doing a fair isle patterned-bag in thick wool. It’s my first attempt at felting, I’m using Lamb’s Pride Worsted, and doubling it. By the time I was done with this little bit my hands were all dry and rough and I think I’m getting a callous between my right pinkie and ring fingers from the yarn rubbing. Is that normal? Or am I just weird?
I think I might be a little weird. The other day the husband and I were driving somewhere and I had a sneezing attack. He looked over at my arms and asked, “Why do you have goose bumps?” “Because I was sneezing, duh!”. I thought everyone got goose bumps when they sneezed. Apparently not. Interesting.
Also, for a very bad picture of my finished First Sweater Ever, click here.
It’s not really a flattering sweater (did I mention that before? I don’t remember), and it’s enormous, but it’s comfy and snuggly, so I’m happy with it. I imagine I’ll be wearing it a lot on cold winter nights when I get home from work and throw on a pair of sweats and thick socks and have no one to impress.