Just for PT*), our Very Bad Dog who manages not to get sent to the Humane Society just because he's so darn cute and is always so repentant when caught doing Very Bad Things:
Good Bear
Note the blurry wagging tail.
And this is what he does when he picks up a random object (a stick or a bone, or in this case, a toy):
Prancing Bear
He prances around and looks at you to make sure you see that he is the smartest, coolest dog ever because he has a stick/bone/toy in his mouth, and you must chase him right now.
Besides playing with my dumb dog, doing laundry and cleaning the house, I did some knitting this weekend and worked on some art for a round-robin project I'm participating in. There are 11 of us in our round-robin, and we each made a color themed journal. I worked in the Lavendar and Green one this weekend, and I'm pretty happy with how my pages worked out:
Page One
Page Two
Knitting-wise I don't have any pictures, but I finally finished my First Sweater Ever. I re-did the neck and followed the pattern, which consisted of several decreases as you work your way up. And then it said to bind off loosely. I thought I bound off loosely, but apparently I bound off very very tightly, because I could barely get it over my head, and when I did, it just looked stupid. So I ripped it out once again, and re-knit it straight, with no decreases, and I bound off really really loosely and now it's all good. It's a good thing I finished my lovely WOOL sweater, because it was 80 degrees this weekend.
I worked on the sweater I'm making for my new nephew. It's this one:
from Rowan's Pipsqueak's Book. The back is finished, and I'm up to the armholes on the front. The star is looking really cute so far. I haven't done much color knitting, and this yarn is so fine and smooth that I'm worried about weaving the ends in around the star. Any knitter's out there have any tips?