Two weeks ago, when we made our little afternoon trip to Guardsman Pass, I took a series of shots to make a panorama. However, I've found that Photoshop doesn't do so well with lots of large files when one has a mere 2 GB of RAM. More specifically, it would stitch my 8 photos together and then the image would just disappear, and Photoshop would be staring back at me as if it had just started up and was waiting for me to open or create a new file. Charming.
So, I upgraded to 64 bit Windows 7 and ordered up another 2 GB of RAM.
While waiting for the RAM to arrive, I decided to try saving the original files off as 8 bit instead of 16 bit. It seems that gave Photoshop enough headroom while sacrificing some image quality and latitude for editing. In practical terms, that means that the clouds are too dark and I couldn't dodge and burn as much.
Hopefully the extra RAM will open things up enough. Or maybe I should buy that AutoPano Pro.
Then there's the issue of how to show a panorama online. For now, open your browser as big as it will go and click on the image. :)