"Lashing" is the term I've heard the Dubliner's use to describe cold, windy, winter-time rain. Think large, cold drops that hit the skin on your face so quickly that it stings.
I'm unfortunately working the weekend here in Dublin and while waiting for one of my counterparts to review some of my work, I run across the street to Tesco (the Ireland equivalent of Target) for some bottled water--my new favorite, Ballygowan sparkling water in glass bottles. The number of different kinds of sparkling water in Europe is pretty incredible but that's a topic for another entry.
On my way over, I find that I have to lean nearly 60 degrees into the wind and with some of the more powerful gusts, correct my course. I think to myself, "I suppose this is to be expected when you inhabit an island in the stormy Atlantic..."
I make my purchase and head back for the hotel. To my delight, it has begun raining again. Technically, it seems that it never entirely stops but this looks refreshing because from inside, it appears that the wind has calmed a bit. I step out and find instead that this is a genuine Irish "Lash" storm. I make the short walk back to the hotel--a grand total of 4 minutes including stops for traffic at the intersection. At the intersection I stand there and watch the massive drops fly past my head in the opposite direction giving that effect you see in the movies when flying through space with the stars moving past in a tunnel-like way. Only in this case, the rain drops are flying the other direction and after a couple more seconds I can hardly see anything for the rain running down my face and into my eyes.
I manage my way across the street and enter the hotel to a small crowd of onlookers who give me half sympathetic, half amused looks. I walk past them as gracefully as possible with my athletic shoes making that squishy soaked sound, dripping what seems like gallons onto the tile floor and say with a smile, "Bit damp out. Might like a brelly..."
Today, I officially experienced Ireland.
Loved the photo. Don't you just love the discriptive expressions of other countries. You do look like you have been playing in the rain for several hours. Hope you get home on Sunday!
Posted by: emptynest | March 08, 2008 at 06:19 AM
I like walking the rain, too, but I think I would be a little wary of an Irish "Lash" .
Posted by: JohnDeere | March 08, 2008 at 08:22 AM
Sounds like it was a great cultural experience.:-) Glad to see you captured it so well in a photo.
Posted by: Sijbrich | March 08, 2008 at 07:18 PM
I especially like the drop hanging from your nose.
Tesco is opening grocery stores in the U.S. called Fresh & Easy, one just opened near us, it's pretty nice.
Posted by: lucy | March 09, 2008 at 08:01 AM