I nearly forgot that no respectable blogger/tourist to London should neglect to post a photo of the clock tower that houses the ever famous Big Ben. I learned that it is the bell that is named Big Ben, and not the clock tower itself which clears up years of ignorance on this important point for me. You will note that I snapped this shot right as Big Ben counted out the hour with 12 massive sonic events.
So now I have to level with you all. I'm rarely able to take really great photos of particularly popular landmarks like this. And to be honest, I rather prefer images that capture a moment in time and that can tell a story or convey the feel of a place. The boat and dock or bag-piper in last week's post are examples of my preference. Alas, I will never make a great stock photographer.
Sometimes, you just want to document an event. And as snow accumulation is a particularly popular topic on our family network of blogs right now, I'd like to add a photo of EV on top of the snow pile from our driveway.
No, I didn't shovel all that and fortunately, DD didn't either. Our neighbor brought his full-size loader to move this for us--a solid 4 feet of mostly drifted snow. Then the day after this photograph, we awoke to another 3 feet of drifted snow across the same area. Thanks to a creative thinking friend, we're considering the purchase of snow-drift fencing that allows you to target where the drift lands. 10 feet south of the driveway would be a really nice place for a drift.
Happy Snow Removing!
Posted by: Johndeere | February 10, 2008 at 10:19 PM
Happy Snow Removing!
Posted by: Johndeere | February 10, 2008 at 10:21 PM
Johndeere has been shoveling snow by hand, we have nice piles on both sides of our driveway. We have had a few days of reprieve, but more is probably on the way on Tuesday night to Wednesday. Suppose to be 50 degrees today!!!Hurray!!
Posted by: emptynest | February 11, 2008 at 09:19 AM
Nice pic of Big Ben - er - I mean the clocktower, since I just learned that you technically can't take a picture of Big Ben since he's hidden inside the clocktower. But it still fits within your preference of taking pics of a moment in time that convey a story or feeling...listening to an old, loud clock tower at noon is kind of a cool moment to experience, as you were doing while taking the photo!
Posted by: Sijbrich | February 13, 2008 at 09:44 PM