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December 09, 2007



Nice pics, especially considering they're from your cell phone. Did you know that the funny looking tree that you took a picture of is a banyon tree and that the roots come from the branches up above and hang down until they eventually reach the ground and take root, thus making the trunk bigger? I find them quite facinating and the largest one in the world is on Maui, although I have seen them in a lot of other "tropical" places.
Are you taking any pics of your food?


Looks like Sao Paulo has grown since I visited......try the zoo if you are still there another weekend.


The steaks or churrasco at the Montana Grill look good, but not for two nights in a row. Sao Paulo is big, but I bet Chongqing,(China's largest city)is even bigger...


I loved Sao Paulo, looks a bit larger than when I visited over 40 years ago. Had a great time there and came away with a beautifl aquamarine ring compliments of my mother. Glad the food is better for you this time.

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