I would like to apologize for my last blog entry which I wrote at the end of a particularly demanding week. I typically check any jaded thoughts regarding the organizations that pay my bills. ;-)
Another melt is upon us in the mountains. EV and I had a walk down to the mailbox the other day and she insisted on putting her rubber boots to the ultimate test: She walked the entire 1/8th of a mile in the streamlet along the road that appears during the many late winter thaws that we experience here. I insisted on photographing the rocks and water.
Mrs. D kindly noted a while back that my photographs look rather lifeless when viewed on a PC but much more saturated, contrasty, and realistic on the Mac. Looking at both, I have to agree (all the posts are made from the Mac.) So, I have a working hypothesis: The poor people in Redmond, Washington scarcely endure the issues associated with 300 days per year of overcast skies and those pains are reflected in their products. The happy people in Cupertino, California, on the other hand, enjoy somewhere around 300 days a year of sunshine. Think about it. I bet if I ran a multiple regression model with Cupertinoans and Redmondians that the hypothesis would bear out.
Oh, and I have to write about my valentines day gift from Mrs. D--Tommy Igoe's Groove Essentials DVD! Tommy Igoe is this great drummer from NYC that leads a big band and composes the percussion scores for broadway shows. He's very versatile and put together this instructional DVD with something like 50 grooves on it. I've been working on a 16th note rock groove with some nice syncopation. How do I get my music into this blog thingy?
Actually, you don't want to hear it yet--just ask Mrs. D, or CJ3, or Lucy, or EV, Mr P, or Sijbrich, or China Kat. Mimi thinks my drumming is rad, though.
Well, that's better, nature always makes us feel happier! Rocks are lovely.....we are still having cold weather, there was a somewhat feeble attempt at snow a week ago. Fortunately for me the rain won the day, but the cold air remains! Cupertino is near San Fran, which has overcast skys more than 65 days a year my dear!
Posted by: empty nest | March 12, 2007 at 01:41 AM
I think if the only complaint you have after a demanding week is the color of the cubicle walls then you're doing well. Maybe you could suggest to management that they get interchangeable cubicle walls of different colors. Wouldn't that be fun? "I would like electric blue, celery green, fuschia, and black, no, make that chocolate brown." Maybe that's the real secret of the Cupertinoans - colorful cubicles to promote imagination.
Posted by: Sijbrich | March 13, 2007 at 01:15 AM
I think you can add a music file to your blog entry using the insert file icon. If you need help, let me know. I've added music files to my blog entries before. I'd really like to hear your drum licks.
Posted by: marné | March 14, 2007 at 11:40 AM
I would like to know if you did the multiple regression model on the cupertinoans and the redmondians, and what were the results.
Also I'd like to hear that 16th note rock groove with the nice syncopation.
Posted by: Dad | March 14, 2007 at 07:46 PM